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Research and Practice Guides

We are learning more everyday about how design affects our social, emotional and physiological health.

Trauma-informed Design Evaluation Tool for K-12 Schools (TiDEvalK12)

This Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Certification of Research Excellence (CORE) award-winning  assessment tool was created through research performed by the Trauma-informed Design Society, with assistance from over 100 participating educators and designers.  It can be used to evaluate schools and identify changes in the physical environment that can lower the stress levels of students and staff.  Grounded in SAMHSA’s guidance for a trauma-informed approach and the Trauma-informed Design Society’s framework, this project was supported by the American Society of Interior Designers Foundation.

The poster below was presented at the  Trauma Research Foundation's 35th Annual Boston International Trauma Conference as an overview of this project.  It is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat, as it contains embedded pop-up windows with more information.  Click on any of the graphics or domain names for additional context!


Exciting news!

We've upgraded the TiDEvalK12 tool into an online application!  Now users can fill in their school's information right from their phone or tablet and receive a personalized report detailing and explaining their results!

The pamphlet is intended to provide information, resources, and assistance to human services and other support workers providing services to the Ukrainian people or other populations experiencing similar collective traumas.  It is available in English, Ukrainian, and Polish.

Responding to Collective Trauma

Trauma-Informed Housing:  A Toolkit for Advancing Equity and Economic Opportunity in Affordable Housing

Preservation of Affordable Housing. “Trauma-Informed Housing:  A Toolkit for Advancing Equity and Economic Opportunity in Affordable Housing.”

POAH created this toolkit to inspire mission-driven housing providers to adopt a trauma-informed approach to housing. Use this toolkit to learn, spark ideas and adapt this model to your work.

Trauma-Informed Design Workbook, Version 4

Bassetti Architects. (2023). “Trauma-Informed Design Workbook, Version 4.”

The TID Workbook is designed to be an open source document of trauma informed design principals and tools that can help to shape learning environments that support students and teachers who have experienced trauma.

The Call for Trauma-Informed Design Research and Practice

Dietkus, Rachael. (2022). The Call for Trauma‐Informed Design Research and Practice. Design Management Review. 33. 26-31. 10.1111/drev.12295.

Design as the Missing Variable

Kopec, D. & Harte, J. D. (2020), “Design as the missing variable in trauma-informed schools”. In E. Rossen (Ed.), Supporting and educating traumatized students: A guide for school-based professionals (pp. 343-357). New York: Oxford University Press.

Trauma-Informed Design Quick Reference Guide

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (2023). “Trauma-Informed Design Quick Reference Guide.”

This Quick Reference Guide was developed as part of HUD’s ongoing efforts to adopt trauma-informed practices into the way we design and deliver services.

Trauma-Informed Design of Supported Housing: A Scoping Review through the Lens of Neuroscience

Owen, C.; Crane, J. Trauma-Informed Design of Supported Housing: A Scoping Review through the Lens of Neuroscience. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 14279. https://

Design Resources For Homelessness

Pable, J. & Ellis, A. (nd), “Trauma-informed design: Definitions and strategies for architectural implementation” Design resources for homelessness: An online knowledge solution.

Designing For Healing, Dignity, & Joy, Version 2

Shopworks Architecture Group, 14 Engineering, University of Denver Center for Housing and Homelessness Research, and Bryn Mawr College (2023). “Designing for healing, dignity, & joy: Iterating on the trauma-informed framework.”

Architectural Principles In The Service Of Trauma Informed Design

Grabowska, Sam, et al. 2021. Architectural Principles in the Service of Trauma-Informed Design. Denver, CO: Shopworks Architecture, Center for Housing and Homelessness Research at the University of Denver, and Group 14 Engineering.

Trauma Informed Design Process

Shopworks Architecture Group, 14 Engineering, & University of Denver Center for Housing and Homelessness Research (2021). “Implementing a Four-Phased Trauma Informed Design Process:  Promoting Physical Health, Mental Health, and Well-Being Through Trauma-Informed Design.”

Creating Restorative Communities

Macur, Rachelle. Group, 14 Engineering, (2020). “Creating Restorative Communities:  Biophilic Design and Low-Income Housing.”

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